Matchless G3 G80 Manual 1954, 350 and 500 Singles Instruction Book
This Book Covers G3L Rigid Frame 350 cc (Touring), G3LS Spring Frame 350 cc(Touring), G3LC Rigid Frame 350cc (Competition), G3LCS 350cc (Competition)Models G80 Rigid Frame 500cc (Touring), G80S Spring Frame 500cc (Touring), G80C Rigid Frame 500cc (competition), G80CS Spring Frame 500 cc (competition)
Nicely re-printed to a High Standard in the UK. The Matchless G3 G80 Manual 1954 has 92 pages measuring 15 x 21 cm.
Originally published by AMC in 1954
Information on Brakes, Carburettor, Clutch, Dynamo, Engine Lubrication, Flywheels, Gearboxes, Hub Bearings, Lubrication Chart, Oil Pump, Rear Springs, Transmission, Timing, Tools, Tappets, Valves, Wiring Diagram.
See Also Matchless and AJS Restoration