Triumph T160 Parts Book an Original illustrated Catalogue for 1975 Models, Part number 00-5754 All Gone
The book was Published by Norton Triumph International Ltd, Kitts Green, Birmingham and Printed by Warwick Printing Company ( The Original Triumph Printers), on glossy paper.
The Triumph T160 Parts Book Book has 96 pages 28cm x 21.5 cm
Contents Include Illustrations and part numbers for; Air Filter, Alternator, Auto Advance, Bulbs, Battery Carrier, Brake Switches, Brake Unit, Brake Pedal, Brake Pads, Brake Pipes, Brake Master Cylinder, Camshaft, Inlet and Exhaust, Carburettors, Center Stand, Chains, Chaincase, Clutch, Clutch, Coil, Condenser Pack, Connecting Rods, Control Cables, Controls, Contact Breaker, Crankcase, Crankshaft, Cylinder Head, Cylinder Block, Direction Indicators, Engine Plates, Exhaust Pipes, Electrical Equipment, Exhaust Pipe Adaptor.
Footrests, Fenders, Foot Pegs, Frame, Front Brake, Front Forks, Front Wheel, Gas Tank, Gearbox Shift Mechanism, Gear Indicator Switch, Handlebars, Handlebar Mountings, Headlight, Heat Sink, Horn, Ignition Switch, Kick-starter, Master Cylinder, Mufflers, Numerical Index, Oil Pump, Oil Tank, Oil Cooler, Oil Filter, Oversize Parts, Prop Stand, Pistons, Push Rods, Pillion Foot-pegs, Rear Wheel, Rear Lite, rear Brake, Rectifier, Rockers, Rocker Box, release Valve, Side Panels, Side Stand, Spark Plugs, Speedometer, Speedometer Gearbox, Steering Head Bearings, Suspension Units, Swinging Forks Rear, Switches (Handlebar), Starter Motor, Tachometer, Tachometer Drive Unit, Tappets, Timing Gears, Toolkit, Transmission (gearbox), Valves, Valve Guides, Valve Springs, Warning Lights, Wiring Harness., Zener Diode.
See Also Triumph T160 Workshop Manual Ring-binder Type
Triumph T160 Trident Motorcycle Handbook 1975