Sunbeam S7 S8 Book 1954 9781908890191


Sunbeam S7 and S8 Manual by DW Munro   Pub. Pearson 1954  ISBN 9781908890191

138 pages 34  photos and drawings.


Sunbeam S7 S8 Book 1954 by DW Munro 9781908890191

The Design and Layout, Modifications and Improvements

Engine, Carburation and Electrical Equipment

Transmission, Spark Plugs and Tyres, The Lubrication System

Maintenance, Dismantling, Rectification and Reassembly

Riding Hints, Service Tools

Metric and Decimal Equivalents,Screw Thread Data

See Also  Sunbeam S7 S8 Manual 1957

Sunbeam S7 S8 Manual 1957


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